Below are some quotes randomly selected from our database.
#922 (0)
Posted by Excal @ 2007-04-13 02:48:38
<Wraith> GO DALCOM!!!!!!!!!!
<Wraith> muahah
* Excal sighs
<Wraith> come and get me bitch
<Wraith> sorry for that Excal
<Excal> Im not the moderator, apologise to FrostyCoolSlug
<Excal> :P
<FrostyCoolSlug> i'm not the moderator.. apologise to someone else :(
<Wraith> lol
<Wraith> hello Craig
<FrostyCoolSlug> hi
<Wraith> dirtly slut
<Wraith> lol
<FrostyCoolSlug> O_o
<Excal> lmao
<Excal> wtf? :P
#1708 (0)
Posted by Lowlife @ 2012-09-01 19:16:58
[20:13] * [BRC]Ingus should be able to make his own threads sticky ;/
[20:15] <Lowlife> umm
[20:15] <Lowlife> <.<
[20:15] <Lowlife> >.>
[20:15] <[BRC]Ingus> no!
#546 (0)
Posted by Togy @ 2005-05-05 19:53:40
[19:54] <{-_-}> Imstillmartin, you're annoying
[19:54] <{-_-}> really, you are
[19:54] * {-_-} sets mode: +oo Elf Togy
[19:54] <Togy> what about me?
[19:54] <Imstillmartin> ?
[19:54] <{-_-}> you're okay

Ha, it's offical, i've moved upto "Okay" i'm getting places :D
#857 (4)
Posted by Star @ 2006-07-19 05:05:02
* Robly ([email protected]) has joined #banned
* ChanServ sets mode +b *!*@* for #banned
* Robly was kicked by ChanServ([email protected]) Reason (AKICK by Majic (User has been banned from the channel))
<Majic> :D
<Majic> That's just too much fun. :D
<Star> hahaha
<Majic> :D
<Star> he'll come back too
<Star> and then go "DOUBLE U TEE EFF?!"
<Majic> ahaha
* Majic sets mode -b *!*@* for #banned
<Majic> :D
* Majic sets mode +h Star for #banned
<Star> :D
* Robly ([email protected]) has joined #banned
* ChanServ sets mode +b *!*@* for #banned
* Robly was kicked by ChanServ([email protected]) Reason (AKICK by Majic (die, bots die!))

#183 (-1)
Posted by Brain @ 2004-10-31 19:04:07
[23:20] <`Node_> Yeah, but this wasn't a normal pube. It was a 'dress upbeat' one :P
#41 (2)
Posted by Brain @ 2004-10-31 17:47:09
[15:20] <Dr_Kevorkian> I was told there was a city in japan that re-named itself Usa
[15:20] <[Brain]> lmao
[15:20] <Dr_Kevorkian> so it could write: made in Usa
[15:20] <Pinky> oh geesh:)
#567 (2)
Posted by Olli @ 2005-05-31 13:18:30
* Olli touches digi's bum
<digi> wth
<digi> oh it's you
#449 (1)
Posted by Chu @ 2005-02-06 05:49:40
[21:48] * Craig is in deep thought
[21:48] <Chu> Good one, Sluggy. ;P
#695 (3)
Posted by Dr_Kevorkian @ 2005-11-03 09:31:18
[20:28] <Ib3N> I scored all topscores on testing my english
[20:29] <Ib3N> measured in speed, preformance and precice
[20:29] <Ib3N> *s
[20:29] <Ib3N> hehe
[20:29] <Dr_Kev> lol
#1758 (3)
Posted by FallingUp @ 2014-08-11 07:47:23
<FallingUp> Ut-oh.
<FallingUp> 02:35am and the town siren is blaring.
<Cartis^> It's ebola outbreak!
* FallingUp shutters the windows, locks the doors, kills the lights and huddles silently in a corner
<FallingUp> Oh crap. That sounds like a fire truck.
<Cartis^> hahahaha
<Cartis^> <FallingUp> I AM MADAGASCAR! <-I love that reference.
<Cartis^> I was laughing at that, not the fire truck. :<
<FallingUp> Mhmm.